About Me & This Website

Hey everybody! My name is Cole - I'm currently in my 30s and I've been researching music ever since I was in my teens. My goal is to build the world's BEST database of standout music, films, and video games (and books when I have the time). To date I've checked out over 73,000 albums and almost 2,900 films (at the moment I haven't been keeping track of which games I've played but it's over 100). By “checked out” what I mean is that I listen to the first 3 songs and if at least one of them sounds interesting to me then I will listen to the whole album at a later point in time. For films I watch the first 20-25 minutes and for video games I'll play the first 30-60 minutes depending on how long the game is. You can find my filmmy video game, and my book sections at the bottom of my home page. New content that has been added to this website, as well as any updated ratings, will be reported in the "New Additions & Ratings Updates" link. Also... make sure to check out my Facebook page where I will be posting my favorite individual song recordings (and music videos) OF ALL-TIME

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