The Best Artists of All-Time

** This list is NOT necessarily final… I may add more artists/playlists in the future **

Certain artists have recorded a LOT of good-to-great music. Any artist that has recorded at least 40 minutes worth of good-to-great music will appear on this page. 40 minutes being the length of your average album. That music also needs to be spread across more than one album, so no one-album-wonders here (otherwise I would DEFINITELY include Marshall Crenshaw here, for example). I've put together some "Best-of" mixes to try and make the case for each artist’s greatness (by the way Neil Young took his music off of Spotify otherwise he would definitely be on here).

There are TWO types of artists that appear in this series - MAJOR and MINOR ones. Major artist playlists contain a lot of 9/10 to 10/10 material while the minor artist playlists are mostly 8/10-ish material.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with most but pink floyd and genesis are glarring omissions
